Friday, September 14, 2012

The Gorgeousness That Is My Little Sister.....

So a while back I did a post about my brother with pictures and a letter and everything...

Well it is my little sister's turn!! I took these pictures a while ago, but I haven't gotten on here for a while...ya. See my last post for a formal apology!

Now for the foxy chica!! This is Kendall, my little sister and the baby of our fun and crazy family!

Dear Kendall,

     First off, I love you! I know that we aren't always peaches and cream with each other, but I want you to know that I really do love you and that I'm sorry if you have ever felt that I don't.

     Now I want to tell you have freaking fabulous you are! You are such a goof and in a really good way! I love being weird with you. You have such a cute laugh and I love it when you just can't stop it from taking over your whole body. You are so freaking smart! You always have been. Please don't ever try to hide those smarts! They are so great and it would be such a pity if they weren't showed off!

     You are so talented! You are such a beautiful singer. I love singing at the top of our lungs to the radio and the weird goofy songs that we love. I love watching movies and weird tv with you.

     I have one more thing to tell you. Kendall, you are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And I'm absolutely dead serious about this. You have such a great smile, your hair is a freaking miracle on earth, and you have some of the craziest eyelashes I've ever seen! Now I know that you don't always agree with this fact, which makes me really sad because you are so beautiful! And if you don't believe then you should believe all of those boys that are hanging all over you ALL the time!! ;) But really, you are so pretty Kendall and I hope that you don't forget that!

I love you so much!



Please enjoy the gorgeousness that is my little sister!! :)

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